Quality and precision since 1963

Confidence and sureness are the foundation of extraordinary solutions. That’s why our partners know: You can trust in our activity, in the product quality as well as in our steadiness concerning delivery. Customers who work with us, do so because customer satisfaction ranks first.

Whether in the printing, automotive or the pharmaceutical industry, Spilker is at home wherever die-cutting, printing and embossing are involved, always flexible and a step ahead.

Quality, competent service and short delivery times constitute the three pillars of our business philosophy. The consequent use of the latest technologies and processing methods has always had priority and renders our company one of the most innovative suppliers in its sector.

Out of a long tradition and more than fifty years of experience Spilker is a family-operated company which third generation already influences the company affairs in a creative and innovative way.In the market for half a century, valued by its customers for its experience and competence, Spilker has developed into a globally active supplier with a unique product range.

Challenge us and let yourself be inspired by our know-how! Together we will find the optimal solution for your company.